- Compared to previous decades, citizens have recently become much more aware of the unofficial rule of a moneyed aristocracy. However, the power concentrated there continues to be underestimated. Since the creation of the FED, the US central bank, through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the financial possibilities of the oligarchs have reached such dimensions that they are no longer allowed to manifest themselves as the accumulation of ever-increasing huge fortunes in order not to trigger a wave of mistrust.
- Since such amounts of money in the size of state budgets are almost exclusively dedicated to expanding power, the operators of the system are primarily concerned with control over the large flows of money, namely those into the coffers of tens of thousands of tax-exempt “charitable” organizations (NGOs). Selective funding of some of those allows to influence the development of humanity on a gigantic scale - beyond any democratic control.
- Furthermore, the outstanding intelligence of the financial oligarchs is underestimated. The indirect ways in which they continually expand their system based on unfair special rights (including with the help of huge lobby teams) remain largely unrecognized. Citizens and politicians continue to fall for the cheap strategy of hiding true goals behind completely different announcements and legal initiatives.
- Until the Corona crisis, even critical people often only recognized this insincere game years later in individual cases. For such catch-up learning from past failures, documents about the British and American military interventions of the last 100 years provide an inexhaustible wealth of illustrative material. Reference e.g. https://archive.org/details/InsideAlShabaabTheSecretHistoryOfAlQaedasMostPowerful
- They shed light on actions against which a comprehensively and balanced informed population would have vigorously protested early enough, i.e. during their execution. But uncritical media coverage of all Western military operations without exception has always ensured a brilliant facade. No doubts were ever allowed that behind the alleged defense of liberal-democratic principles, processes could be taking place which, according to simple rules of logic, must have the exact opposite effect. (This applied to the military's predominantly empathy-free, psychologically untrained treatment of the "liberated" civilian population, as well as to the deployment of "democratic" governments that have regularly proven to be chronically corrupt and out of touch with the wishes of the population.) In March 2003, George W Bush announced the attack on Iraq with the words: “My fellow citizens, the dangers to our country and the world will be overcome… We will defend our freedom. We will bring freedom to others...” – In reality, this nearly 9-year war has left behind a ruined, destabilized country – and an out-of-control mountain of US debt.
- The strategy of covering actions friendly which actually are counterproductive by media and politicians influenced by money rule, has artificially suppressed the necessary critical vigilance of Western citizens. As a result, the ongoing - and in this dimension of course not accidental - erosion of the reputation of the liberal democratic concept and of respect for the USA as a power of order was kept out of consciousness. (Thus the media has also distracted from the fact that the international security structure has collapsed latest with the disastrous American withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. The supposed 20-year defense of Western principles and values ended in "accidentally" letting Weapons worth over 80 billion dollars fell into the enemy´s hands. Reference https://ansage.org/triumph-der-taliban-nach-kabul-kommen-rom-teil-2/ 6.
- Thirdly, the (narcissistic) unscrupulousness of the system operators is also vastly underestimated, which, however, can also be attributed to a considerable naivety on the part of the citizens and an even greater naivety on that of the established (conformist) politicians.
- Given the above-mentioned outstanding intelligence of the Oligarchs, one can assume that all major political developments and events are foreseen, taken into account and influenced by every means available. It is proven (see Iran-Contra affair) that a strategy is used which Lenin had called “control of the opposition”. It remains to be seen who learned from whom, but the “Western” financing of the October Revolution of 1917 proves that Lenin's work was in the interests of the moneyed aristocracy.)
- The now approaching decline in the importance of the dollar as an international trading currency is also one of these developments that are, of course, taken into account, but more precisely, have been actively prepared for a long time (including through the interest rate policy of the FED). It has already been possible to dominate the opposition in advance, as the global banking system controlled from Wall Street and the City of London also exists in the BRICS countries.
- Therefore, the steps now taken by these states to create currency alternatives to the dollar do not mean an overcoming of the rule of big money. On the contrary, conflicts of interests between the money arristoctracy and the rest of humanity that have been building up for a long time are coming to light. That is a matter of system contradictions that are reminiscent of what Karl Marx called the contradictions of capitalism, but only partially correspond to them.
- These tensions indicate a historical moment of inevitable change - either as the liberation of democracy from unofficial money rule - or as the escalation of that money rule into an Orwellian dictatorship on a global scale.
- As the undemocratic and insincere character of the unofficial rule is now exposed despite or precisely because of the intensive diversionary maneuvers of the mainstream media, there is the upmost danger for civilization and all of humanity. Because no one can expect that the moneyed elite gives up at the peak of its power - his requires special impulses.
- Taking into account the above-mentioned unscrupulousness includes having to reckon with civil wars and wars of previously unknown proportions. Unfortunately, even circulating figures that suggest a violent reduction in the world's population from 8 billion to 500 million have to be taken seriously.
- In this respect, it is foreseeable that the tension between the NATO countries, which have been manipulated by big business on a course of escalation, on the one hand, and Russia and China, on the other hand, will also be extended to the other BRICS states. As always, there will be excuses for polarizing propaganda, sanctions and military moves. A specific attribution of blame is already predictable: the BRICS countries will be blamed for the impending financial and economic crisis in the USA, which was pre-programmed by the financial oligarchs themselves through low interest rates and high debt policies.
- At the same time, the real reason for the BRICS countries to withdraw from the dollar will continue to be covered up as before. This reason lies in structural flaws in the global financial empire. The exact identification of these is of very far-reaching importance - because the nations of the West are just as much among the victims as the global south.
- Recognizing all states and nations as victims of an insincere, unjust and polarizing system in the hands of a tiny monetary aristocracy makes it possible to overcome internal disputes in order to tackle the common great task - a fundamental, peaceful reform of the global financial and economic concept.
- Among the system's flaws, two stand out. One is the systematic state privileging of large companies over smaller competitors, which has been carried out systematically since December 1600 (the start of the East India Company). Meanwhile, the artificially created oligopolies have undermined fair competition to such an extent that large corporations can demand exorbitant prices from customers while fobbing off their small suppliers - for example in the global agricultural products trade - with rock-bottom prices.
- The second system component in need of correction in the global empire of big money lies in the organization of money creation. Its unacceptable basic principle is constantly kept in the dark from the public through clever cooperation between supposedly state-owned central banks and private commercial banks. Reference https://www.corbettreport.com/federalreserve/
- During Antiquity and the Middle Ages, the right to coin, to create money - of course - lay with the state leadership, at that time with the noble sovereigns. Starting in Sweden and England, in modern times this right has increasingly been handed over to the above-mentioned tandem of private commercial banks and the central bank of the respective state.
- The now established government permission that allows commercial banks to create money out of nothing when granting loans (by typing in the numerical values) has brought about a long chain of destructive consequences. These include inflation, national debt, accumulation of political power apart from democratic control, corruption, favoritism, an ever-widening wealth gap and real estate bubbles which prevent citizens from building sustainable home ownership.
- The political power associated with control over money flows has long included a significant influence on the military. – Thus, this political analysis makes an arc back to points 4 and 14 and urgently calls for increased vigilance.
- The two previous world wars - more European fratricidal wars - from which citizens and politicians learned absolutely nothing, were fought mercilessly to the unforgiving end, using the entire potential for destruction. It would be naive to assume that the third one, which we are heading straight towards without correcting the escalation course, should differ in principle. This need not worry those with their excellent protective systems who profited from all major modern wars.
- The rational reform and security concept that is now urgently needed can only be successfully launched when it includes the USA as headquaters of the big money empire. Because according to point 14, any secession of a nation from the empire of big money would result in sanctions and tougher measures.
- The superior performance and established position of the system operators highlighted in points 1 to 3 as well as the requirement of strict non-violence make it necessary to develop and implement the new reform and security concept not in confrontation, but in constructive dialogue with these persons.
- It is not difficult to show that the impressively successful system run by the monetary dynasties cannot be stabilized sustainably and must lead to a catastrophic historical dead end. Reference https://www.frieden-freiheit-fairness.com/kapitel-b-7-und-b-8. However, ways can also be shown how the dynastic-egocentric, privilege-based interests of the oligarchs can be reconciled with the opposing liberal-democratic ideas and interests of the citizens in actually sustainable win-win concepts. Reference https://www.frieden-freiheit-fairness.com/anhang-c-7 (final page)