Although the Russian government can give understandable reasons for the invasion of February 24th, 2022, this decision was irresponsible towards the European family of nations and towards the Russian nation itself. Because with the invasion, the morally superior position of a victim - beset by the eastward expansion of NATO and the armament of Ukraine - was given up in order to exchange it for that of a clumsy aggressor. - The same accusation of irresponsibility, however, also applies to Western politicians, who pour fuel on the fire with their arms deliveries and persuade the citizens that this serves to fight the fire.
Politics is to be measured by its results. Since the negotiations were broken off months ago, millions of Ukrainians had to flee their homeland, able-bodied men are no longer allowed out of the country and hundreds of them lose their lives every day, the verdict is a total political failure on both sides. The stubbornly asserted defence of free-democratic basic values ignores a reality in which Ukrainian opposition parties are banned, television stations critical to the government are closed and MPs are spied on for “correct” voting behaviour - and all this after the historically grown cultural self-determination of the Russian-speaking group had already been dismantled in advance.
On the current course of NATO and EU, the leading nations of Christian-Jewish civilization are reeling in a trance into World War III, but more correctly defined into their fourth self-destructive fratricidal war. Because the First World War was preceded by the so-called Crimean War (1853-1856), which has almost been erased from historical memory. In that war Great Britain and France intervened in a conflict between Russia and the Ottoman Empire and expanded it into a major war with a million casualties .– Partisanship in favor of the Moslem Turks represented a flagrant violation of European solidarity - and has since formed a consistent, but as far as possible hidden element of British and American politics (as well as French politics in their wake).
Partisanship in favour of Islamic groups and against Europeans was shown again in 1897 in the 30-day war over Turkish-occupied Crete, which ended with Greece's high reparation obligations. This war result was revealing insofar as it clearly presented the real winners of all military conflicts for around two centuries - big banks and with them the power of big money in the background of British and American politics.
After the end of World War I in November 1918, it took until August 1920 for the peace order for the defeated Ottoman Empire to be agreed on in the Treaty of Sèvres - much too long according to Niccolo Machiavelli's rule, which admonishes that hard blows against rival powers have to be completed within a very short time. Under the terms of this treaty, there should have been a larger (Christian) Armenia with access to the Black Sea, an autonomous Kurdistan to the east, and Greek territorial gains to the west. Furthermore, war crimes tribunals were planned, which were to punish the genocides committed by the Turkish side against Armenians (with around 1.5 million fatalities) and Greeks.
But while the Versailles peace treaty was enforced against Germany with the utmost severity, the Treaty of Sèvres has not been implemented at all in the points mentioned - until today.
The fatal hesitancy on the part of the victorious powers helped a policy to break through that lacked solidarity with Europe and instead favored Islamic forces, which had already shaped the Crimean War. This self-destructive course includes two anti-strategies that have continued to be "improved" to this day. One consists in the cultivation of a harsh militarism with the associated enemy image. In the case of Israel, Iran has held this (artificial) role since 1979 and in the case of the NATO countries, it was Russia, although East-West tensions with the Soviet Union belong to the past since 1986. History has shown that enmities between peoples and nations of European civilization are escalated into extremely hard wars involving many victims.
The second anti-strategy presents itself as a spineless appeasement that ignores its own legal positions and interests when dealing with the peoples of the Islamic cultural area. The first consequence of this indecisive, respect-destroying attitude, was a Turkish revolt from 1919 against the victors of WW I and their peace conditions decided in Sevres (war of liberation 1919-1923). The resistance initially met Greek military forces and civilians who had relied on effective Allied support.
As a result, Sevres' contractual goals were turned upside down. Armenia and Greece were defeated (also with the help of weapons from the Leninists in Russia) and the establishment of an autonomous or even independent Kurdistan was omitted. Instead of effective legal prosecution of the genocides committed during the war, further acts of violence against civilians occurred, with perpetrators and victims on both sides of the war. The massacres culminated in September 1922 in the ancient city of Smyrna (now Izmir), with around 100,000 Christian civilians losing their lives. - At the time of the crime (and days before) there were 21 American, French and British warships in the city's port. The fact that they did not take action against the perpetrators of violence, in order to prevent at least the worst, reveals two sobering facts:
1. In British and American politics, influenced by big money, the aim to protect the lives of defenseless civilians has never had a significant place, nor has Christian or European solidarity.
2. The respect of the Turks, defeated in 1918, for the undecided victors had already expired in 1919.
The events between 1919 and 1923 marked a global upheaval, a turning point in history. Since then there has been a constant undermining and reversal of the hierarchy between the Christian-Jewish high civilization and the Islamic cultural area, which had already been finally clarified in the Berber wars (1801-1805 and 1815/1816). These operations are systematically kept out of the consciousness of Western citizens.
The lack of respect was also expressed in the 1955 Isatanbul pogroms, which brought the final end to the three thousand year presence of Greeks in Anatolia.
In 1974 the Turkish invasion of Cyprus took place - a precedent for the current Ukraine war. But the press and television ignore the clear historical parallels, so that Turkey, under the protective media filter "may" continue to do just about everything that would trigger outrage, sanctions and more if performed by other states.
There are many other facts that show a covered but very effective pseudo-moral information warfare in favor of the increasingly dominant Islamic world. This includes the systematic concealment of the discrimination and persecution of Christians in Islamic countries - including NATO partner Turkey (see e.g. report of the organization Open Doors). Special taxes, difficulties in inheriting real estate, disadvantages in professional life and forced conversions are among the lighter forms.
When an Australian terrorist killed a total of 51 people in two mosques in Christhurch, New Zealand, in March 2019, the global media coverage was justifiably high. But only a few Western television viewers may have been aware that more than twice as many Christians are killed every week - also just because of their faith; from October 2021 to September 2022 there were 5,621 deaths - more than 15 per day without unreported cases. This violence has been rising for decades reciprocally with a declining respect for the West. When leading power USA withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, they "accidentally" let the Taliban get their hands on weapons worth around $85 billion. Since then, the Afghan Islamists seriously consider themselves a superpower.
The propaganda war waged by influential people in Great Britain and the USA against Christian and Jewish interests by means of financially strong organizations (namely NGOs) and the media is at the same time clearly directed against the principles of freedom and self-determination, for which the state interventions - massively advocated by the media - have given a sad testimony during the mismanaged Covid crisis.
With the constant media attack against European civilization in mind, the West's increasing supply of arms to Ukraine can be identified as its logical military continuation. Without even remotely receiving adequate attention in the mainstream media, the Ukrainian government was “allowed” to break off negotiations with Russia on May 17, 2022 and tied the resumption to unfulfillable preconditions, so that the spiral of escalation is now in merciless automatic mode towards the use of maximum violence. When the nations of the Christian-Jewish cultural area once more tear each other to peaces in already started WW III, the identity of the real winners is certain in advance - some extremely rich people with extremely lacking in solidarity in the background of Anglo-Saxon politics and their protégés.
Determining the identity of these protégés is, however, a detective game, because every single action that lacks solidarity requires a discreet approach using distracting detours, even more a nationwide non-solidarity policy that runs counter to the interests and ideals of one's own nation.
The most significant finding related to this confusion is that Judaism and the State of Israel are not, as the “politically correct” mainstream media make people believe, the amicably protected darlings of the powerful financial dynasties, but their hard-fought rivals. Just like the policy directed against the vital interests of European civilization as a whole, the policy directed specifically against Israel and Judaism has also picked up speed since the aforementioned era change of 1918/19.
However, this destructive policy was always camouflaged behind a backdrop in which Jewish minions of the financial empire and international corporations, through their relative wealth and influence, unconsciously ensured the continuation of the myth of the desired or already real "world domination of the Jews". In retrospect, one can see that the political and financial establishment reffered to as deep state has known for at least 100 years how to use Judaism as an exposed protective shield behind which it can unfold its unofficial power of big money unmolested. Because according to many narratives that have been tailored to this, any – absolutely legitimate and necessary – criticism of the financial empire should be considered anti-Semitic and is therefore taboo.
The chances of survival of free civilization depend on the clean distinction between Judaism and the financial establishment. Because nothing gets around the need to stop the unsolidarity that emanates from "the people who”, according to Noam Chomsky, “own the society”. And it is just as necessary to protect Judaism from the irrelevant anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic "ricochets" of this criticism.
As seen above, almost two years of delay in the Sèvres peace treaty were enough to prevent its implementation and to turn its basic ideas into their opposite. The Balfour Declaration issued by the British government in 1917, i.e. still during the war, according to which a home for the Jewish people was to be set up in Palestine, experienced a similar torpedoing of it`s basic idea.
The implementation of this project was decided at the victors' conference in San Remo in April 1920 and, after another delay, was made binding in July 1922 in the form of the British League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. In practice, however, there was a chain of systematic retardations and hindrances on part of the mandatory, and in 1923 the territory was curtailed by separating Transjordan (and thus 3/4 of the mandated area). When the British laid down the mandate in 1948 without fulfilling it and the Jewish residents ensured it´s overdue realization at least on a part of the promised territory by proclaiming the state of Israel, the Arab residents violently rebelled against this, although they had been promised the protection of their rights.
The additional intervention in this Palestinian civil war by the Arab neighboring countries of Lebanon, Transjordan and Egypt, which just had been generously granted independence by France and Great Britain, was borne by the same disrespect for the peace regulations after World War I as the Turks in dealing with the Treaty of Sèvres had shown. The psychological causes and the power shifts behind them to the detriment of the Christian-Jewish nations were also the same - see Chapter B 10 on
However, it is not their own fault that the Arabs neither have been able to find a conciliatory perception of political reality nor find peace to this day. Rather, it is the media and political ambience of the West that suggests non-existent legal positions and, in this illusion, incites them to endless revanchism.
How extremely far away this media and political ambience is from historical reality and from a rational evaluation of the same, can be shown in a manageable selection of facts:
1. Up until World War I, most of the areas inhabited by Arabs had been under Turkish-Ottoman rule for centuries.
2. Since the Turks had adopted elements of European civilization (including weapons technology) much more thoroughly than the Arabs and are still doing so, there was no way for Arab national movements to liberate themselves from foreign rule on their own.
3. For this aim the First World War offered them a historically unique opportunity on the side of Great Britain and France.
4. By using that chance, all Arab countries have achieved independence – with a moderate delay of around 30 years.
5. The only hardship, the only price that was exacted from the Arabs was the permanent establishment of Jewish sovereignty over Palestine, an area which corresponds to scarcely 0.2% of Arab inhabited lands.
6. As a result of WW I, this legal status is fact since 1922 and basis for all detailed regulations.
7. To still rebel against this post-war order in revenge 100 years after the Mandate Treaty of the League of Nations is just as absurd as the idea that to this day terrorist attacks would be perpetrated from Germany in Poland to restore the 1914 borders.
8. The Arabs raised their resistance to full-blown war four times (1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973), each time with the proclaimed aim of wiping out the Jewish state and throwing the Jews into the sea. They lost the battle for Palestine four times, thus the case is closed finally - on the legal and on the military level. All rights claimed by the Palestinians are secondary rights which can be granted by Israel (after negotiations).
9. Once granted, rights have to be respected consistently.
10. These can be revoked only due to error – for instance in case of on-going terroristic resistance.
11. Furthermore, taking into account the deportation of almost all Jews from Arab countries (including descendants, more than half of the Jewish population of Israel) at the latest after the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the Jewish state was in a moral position in which an inverted resettlement of Arabs could be considered a justified self-defence measure - and continues to be valid in case of a sustained (terrorist=warlike) rebellion.
12. The missing of such an expulsion in 1973 should have evoked a sense of gratefulness and relief among the Palestinians (who have called themselves that since 1967). This would have been the appropriate psychological starting point for the overdue recognition of the Jewish state.
13. While the majority of the more than 800,000 Jewish refugees were taken in and immediately integrated in Israel, almost all Arab states refused to integrate the (roughly as many) Arab refugees from Palestine, although their own militant policy towards Israel had been the cause of the flight movements.
14. As a result of a high fertility rate (currently still 3.8 children per woman), the approximately 1.2 million Arab residents of Palestine in 1948 have become around 14 million Palestinians by the end of 2021, who have spread worldwide through migration.
15. The non-integrated Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have been housed in 58 official and 10 unofficial refugee camps since the 1948 war and are cared for by a sub-organization of the UN, the UNRWA.
16. Many parallel examples have shown that assisted camp life far from any personal responsibility favours excessive birth rates.
17. In 2021, a good 5.8 million people had the (hereditable!) status of Palestinian refugees, seven to eight times as many as had fled in 1948.
18. Anti-Jewish hate propaganda has been carried out in the schools of the UNRWA camps for decades, while the media turn a blind eye to it to this day and Western politicians actively support UNRWA.
19. Non-solidary forces in (and in the background of) Western politics for the first time haveeffectively served Islamic interests against European solidarity in the Crimean War of 1853-1856, when Britain took sides with the Ottoman Turks against Russia.
20. This -non-official and widely hidden - furthering of Muslim interests against the European civilization has the status of apolicy maxim - though out of consciousness - since the after-match of WW I (1914-1918). The defeated Ottomans had to handover the Arab lands, but they resisted by military force (1919-1923) to the implementation of the peace treaty of 1922 in Sèvres. That agreement had scheduled an autonomous or independent Kurdistan, territory gains for both Armenia and Greece and judicial trials against persons responsible for the Armenian Genocide during the war.
21. But in violation of basicpsychological rules, the victorious allied countries let the rebelling Turks get away with turning the provided regulationsinto their opposite. Until today, the Armenian Genocide is denied by the Turkish state, while western politicians, media and organizations mainly ignore that offence on freedom of historical science and on sincerity. As a result,the knowledge of the truth is vanishing out of people´s consciousness – so theycan´t learn from it.
22. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that genocide denial functions as a warfare weapon. Worldwide, but especially in Islamic countries, a rising proportion of citizens ignore or deny the Jewish Holocaust - corresponding to propaganda and to an overall tendency to openly defame Israel and Jews.
23. It´s a bewildering fact that this propaganda mainly emerges from western controlled media and tax-exempt organizations registered and funded in the USA. Even well-known Newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Postconstantly intensify their siding with Palestinians against the Jewish state.
24. By simply participating in such a wavelike trend without own independent research, the involved journalists prove their poor historical knowledge and civil courage – the latter understandable for risk of losing their jobs. In this weak psychological state of subservience and “freedom” of responsibility, humans tend to give up the solidarity with their historically grown community, in this case with the Christian-Jewish civilization and it´s legal positions. With a time-lap, their readers follow. Over the decades, coward appeasement has become more and more the characteristic feature of western societies and western politics.
25. Accustomed to the ever-growing self-denial, people take it for granted that the funds used to build and to maintain the Palestinian refugee camps overwhelmingly came from Europe and North America. In lack of knowledge they aren´t aware that these “good deeds” let the war-sparking Arab countries evade responsibility as they continuously refuse to integrate the refugees – while Israel and other western countries integrated the Jews expelled from Arab countries.) UNRWA, with its immense social spending and polarizing schools, is also funded primarily by non-Muslim states, and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank receives over $1.8 billion dollars annually in development aid.
26. These development billions are being used so inefficiently by the autonomy authority that the Palestinian territories have no perspective for eonomic independence, less the refugees in the camps.
27. In this way, the autonomous areas are moving further and further away from self-responsibility, which is to be regarded as an inseparable prerequisite for the right to state sovereignty according to Article 2 of the UNO Charter. The self-responsibility of the Palestinians has fallen far short of what is required, particularly in the areas of economy, demographics and appropriate forms of coexistence with their mayor neighbouring nation.
28. The decades-long refusal to engage in meaningful negotiations with Israel is proving to be a delaying strategy in order to gain time for the demographic overtaking process. The real goal was not and is not the Palestinian state in the West Bank, but a majority Arab state of Palestine consisting of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Israel - a violation of the legitimate claim of the Jewish state to the permanence of its status.
29. Appeasement of the Western countries went so far as to take in millions of Palestinian migrants and thus to take on a task also at this level that was and is solely the responsibility of the Arab countries - especially after the expulsion of their Jewish minority.
30. The psychologically inevitable consequences of Western over-compliance are disrespect, further demands and questioning of the rank and rights of the "good guys".
31. Just as indecisiveness and appeasement had encouraged the defeated Turks to resist the post-World War I peace terms, so it is to this day in most Arab countries.
With these observations in mind, it is clear that the nations and religious groups of the Christian-Jewish civilization have been subjected to a subtle but highly efficient war of information, or rather manipulation, for over 100 years. The non-solidary operators of this war have a wide range of instruments from lobby teams, communication media and tens of thousands of organizations, especially NGOs.
Concerted media campaigns repeatedly and impressively demonstrate the tsunami-like power with which these instruments can be used to influence moods and opinions and trigger political actions. On April 3rd, 2016, 109 newspapers, TV stations and internet media worldwide published the so-called Panama Papers simultaneously, which uncovered tax evasion and money laundering by many rich people. However, like the new edition in October 2021 in the form of the "Pandora papers", this was nothing more than a diversionary maneuver from the financial flows, which are several powers of ten larger and constantly managed almost tax-free by a few super-rich - with considerable political effectiveness.
Even more dangerous than any spectacular campaign is the subtle manipulation of opinion every day through the filtered supply of information and deliberately unbalanced commentary. An example can clarify this. The current Israeli Minister for National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir comes from a family that had to leave Iraq because of their Jewish identity. In the Western media he is labeled as an extremist, among other things because he advocates the expulsion of incorrigibly violent actual extremists who kept the country in an endless state of war for decades. Considering the historical facts mentioned above under points 1 to 31, the attitude of the Minister should be easy to understand. Under normal conditions, the action he envisages would have a significant deterrent effect. But these normal conditions do not exist. In the Western media environment, which is characterized by a lack of historical knowledge, rampant appeasement and the copying of polarizing narratives like those from the BDS boycott movement, the roles are reversed. Because, by branding Ben-Gvir an extremist, the actual extremists are implicitly and effectively recognized as vulnerable victims.
According to the simplest psychological rules of learning, this “moral” backing for violent offenders is not suited to curb the relevant (terrorist) acts, but on the contrary leads to increased rebellion and the use of violence.
The example also illustrates Israel`s situation wedged between consistently tough politics and media appeasement, in which the room for maneuver becomes life-threateningly narrow. However, the same applies to all other western countries. Because on the current political course and in the associated media atmosphere of irrational militarism in the Ukrainian fratricidal war on the one hand and waxy appeasement towards the Islamic world on the other hand, free civilization is heading towards its own destruction.
For a swift liberation from the doubly suicidal mental corset, it is very helpful to take into account another level of influence of the non-solidary forces that already appeared in the Vietnam War (1955-1975).
In addition to the manipulative practice of twisting reality in propaganda, there is a manipulation of reality itself. - While the western arms industry has turned over several trillions of dollars in the past few decades, and while this vast sum has been cashed in on taxpayers for their supposed security, virtually every major US-British military intervention in Islamic countries such as in Afghanistan 2001-2022 and in Iraq from 2003-2011 led to disaster. The only rational explanation for the surreal discrepancy between effort and "success" known from the Vietnam War is that there are just as few "normal conditions" at the level of implementation of military actions as there are at the level of military reporting. - This thesis becomes all the more emphatic the more one deals with the US military operations, beginning with the Spanish-American War (1898-1899) - see comment D 1 chapter 4 and chapter A 20, second half at www.frieden-
The disaster of all these operations affected always first the civilian population, which had to suffer from the rough interventions of the military, who allegedly acted as harbingers of free democracy. The soldiers, bare of sociological, psychological and linguistical education, were not perceived as liberators, but as conquerors who lacked solidarity. Since the local politicians who came into office democratically at the same time soon proved to be corrupt, the support of the western invaders in the population dwindled in an inflationary manner. The military failures, which were regularly allowed after a few years, brought the rest of respect to collapse - see Annex C 6 at www.frieden-freiheit-fairness.
In sharp contrast to the awkward Western military operations in Islamic countries, in the internal relationship between nations and groups of the European civilization, a hammer-hard, empathy free course is being driven, evading any rational understanding and leading to maximum escalation with gigantic casualty numbers - as in the past two world wars and also in the current third one between Russia and EU-Europe.
Counteracting this acute danger can only succeed if the influence of the non-solidary, war-interested forces in the background of British and American politics is pushed back. However, the only non-violent and by far most effective way does not lead through legal or other coercion, but rather through rational conviction. The structural flaws and the absolute unsuitability for the future of the financial magnates´ “secret” rule concept is a provable fact - see chapters A 30 and B 8 on
In the meantime, there are increasing signs that the political zeitgeist is correcting itself. On December 17, 2022, the well-known Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson addressed the secret cooperation between the undemocratic forces of Deep State and the CIA and the involvement of the secret service in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Furthermore, the Watergate affair was taken up in this program, by means of which President Richard Nixon, who had been suspect about the assessination case, was forced out of office and silenced.
The shift in consciousness that is now under way concerns some fundamental insights:
- 1. For more than 100 years, the overly gullible Western citizens have been exposed to an information war that has damaged their interests and the ideals of free democracy. (Those who don´t believe that may look for information about war coverage during the Spanish-American War in the Phillipines, the Creel Committee, the Office of War Information and the CIA propaganda budget.)
- 2. Its destructive double strategy of this manipulation war consists of the subtle propagation of two suicidal ways, on which the departure of the large nations and religious groups of the Christian-Jewish cultural area from the historical stage is pre-programmed.
- 3. A particularly perfidious weapon is the suggestion of guilt feelings among the citizens of these nations and religious groups.
3.1 For decades there has been a trend in the media and in education towards a moral devaluation of European history. While scientific knowledge, technical progress, the achievements of integration in the development of new nations on the American double continent and the impulses of free democracy are not valued appropriately, atrocities and oppression against the conquered peoples during the colonial era are overemphasized or distorted.
3.2 The real operators and beneficiaries of colonial looting are systematically kept out of focus. As can be shown (especially on the basis of Indian sources, e.g. on the East India Company), these were primarily huge trading companies (joint stock companies). Their economic basis consisted of royally granted privileges in the British Crown Colonies. Since these also covered state sovereign rights including military force, they offered a historically unprecedented scope for oppression and unscrupulous plundering.
3.3 The distortion of history serves the interest of the heirs and/or ideological successors of the former profiteers and exploiters in an impeccable image. Specifically, it is about a flawless facade of their corporate and financial empire, which is still based on tax and other privileges and thus on cheating, based on the pattern of the wolf in sheep's clothing - see Chapters A 5 and A 9 at
3.4 The incessant blaming of Europeans turns out to be unprecedented psychological scapegoating.
4. Because "the people who own the society" have it in their hands to have defined information filters set up at the level of the large oligopoly news agencies they largely determine the zeitgeist known under the name "political correctness".
5. The pseudo-morality that has been disseminated in the media up to now has actually brought about polarization, a tendency to violence, disintegration and destabilization in the entire Christian-Jewish cultural area under the claim of social progress, integration as well as health and military security - see Chapter A 4 and B 5 on www. The White House events following the 2020 American presidential elections have made it clear what dimensions the emotional ditch that separates the various ideological groups has already reached.
6. The blame assigned to the European nations according to point 3.4 is increasingly rejected with the reawakening of a truly free, autonomously judging middle class and journalism and falls back on the system operators.
7. This mental liberation forms the core of a turning point which, in sharp contrast to that of 1919, opens up the future perspective of a peaceful and fair coexistence of nations, religious groups and individual people.
However, it remains uncertain whether the change in awareness among journalists, citizens and politicians can progress quickly enough to prevent the big escalation in all conflict zones, namely in Ukraine, Israel-Iran and China-Taiwan.
In this situation, a shortcut comes into account by making direct contact with the initiators of the present political-media ambience. Because, as already mentioned above, a solution in cooperation with the masters of the financial empire is firstly possible and secondly much preferable to a confrontation. For various reasons, committed Jews are predestined for this contact and persuasion work - see Chapters B 7 and B 10 and Appendix C 7 at
Some suggestions for this persuasion work can be found in the extended version of this text, e.g. on the homepage mentioned.